Singapore Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 – AGM and Annual Returns
Singapore Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 – Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Returns to be implemented in early 2018 The timelines for holding Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and the filing of annual returns will be aligned with the company’s FYE. This is to provide greater clarity and improve companies’ compliance…
Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 – Inward Re-Domiciliation Regime in Singapore
Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 – Inward Re-Domiciliation Regime in Singapore within first half of 2017 The Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 has introduced an inward re-domiciliation regime to allow foreign corporate entities to transfer their registration to Singapore instead of setting up subsidiaries (e.g. foreign corporate entities that may want to…
Setting up and maintaining the Register of Registrable Controllers of Singapore Companies and LLPs
Setting up Newly-incorporated companies and newly registered LLPs are required to keep register of registrable controllers within 30 days from date of incorporation. Existing companies and LLPs are required to keep register of controllers within 60 days from date of commencement of the regime (31 Mar 2017). Companies which are…
Singapore Companies Amendment Act 2017
General The Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 (“CAA 2017”) was passed on 10 March 2017 and came into operation on 31 March 2017. It aims to (a) Reduce Compliance Costs and Administrative Burden; (b) Make the ownership and control of business entities more transparent; and (c) Boost Singapore’s Competitiveness as a…